Ludmilla van der Spoel – Ceramics – The Netherlands
Anyone who wishes to discover and truly understand the work of Ludmilla van der Spoel must first step back from the hectic monotony of daily live and seek their own inner silence. Away from the noise and jadeness that we know surround us. That is not so easy as we are accustomed to being ground down by routine.
But anyone who is open tot he wounderous ceramic reality of Ludmilla’s art finds their way into a fairytale world that seems to be freely accesible, but in which far more is concealed that it at first appears. In their alligance and richness of imagination, at first sight her works reveal links to Jugendstil and Art Nouveau.
But they cannot be encapsulated in just one category as van der Spoel’s approach is too uncompromisingly her own. Perhaps her works are more reminicent of the fairytales of the Brothers Grimm. These tales are of a deceptive sweetness but all contain down-to-earth lessons for life; there is always an implicit warning. This is the link to van der Spoel’s work.
No place for sweet-voiced romance that covers the world with a soft blanket.
No tribute to nature because we have to stop make a distinction between man and nature. We are one being. After all, we breathe each other. Drink each other’s ‘tears’ and eat each others bodies. How perfect is the balance of this harmony?